Fenna’s Scratching Nearly Ruined Her Beautiful Coat


flea treatment

I live in a built-up area and usually take my cocker spaniel for walks in the local playing field. There are a lot of other dogs there and she has many friends but the problem I found is that she kept on catching fleas and ticks. I keep my Fenna in tiptop condition and always give her precautionary dog tablets to stop this problem. But I cannot vouch for the other owners as some tend to not be bothered by this type of problem at all. I think there are one or two dogs that constantly have fleas and were giving it to my cocker, which I found a little annoying.

The problem with catching fleas and ticks is that there is constant scratching and this tends to damage the fur. As anyone knows with a cocker spaniel they have beautiful long hair that when kept in good condition is all shiny and silky. At one point due to the skin irritation she started suffering from dog hair loss problems. I felt really embarrassed because although her coat was still fairly thick it was starting to look a little patchy and it almost looked like I had neglected her when it was completely the opposite. My local vets kept giving me shampoo solutions but they didn’t seem to work and even when they did work it was only on parts where the hair was still thick.

But I wasn’t going to let this get me down so I started to do a little research on different types of skin problems with dogs. What actually seems to be re-occurring advice that a lot of Internet sites tend to give you is that by giving your dog supplements with their food it can greatly improve their skin condition. For me I have found that omega 3 and 6 have worked wonders for Fenna, I’ve seen a really good improvement in her coat especially after all of the scratching that she has done.

I also have an effective flea treatment and take her to a different park now, which seem to have helped as she is not contracting any of these pests any more. Overall though I think that putting supplements in your dog’s food is probably one of the most overlooked treatments for damaged skin in dogs. I now add a few extras with her meal every day and have noticed that she is looking as good as she did 12 years ago!

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