Understanding your dog’s behavior


Understanding your dog’s behavior

Understanding your dog’s behavior

There are many things that our dogs do that we think are silly and goofy, but in reality most of those things have another meaning. We will try to help you understand some of your dog’s behavioral habits:

Wagging tail: considering the fact that dogs wag their tails only in the presence of others, we can say that dogs do this in order to communicate to others. It can either show affection towards its owner, or express pleasure or even introducing himself to other dogs (when a dog wags his tail, muscles press on scent glands that signal his age, gender and more importantly social status.

Eating grass: eating grass is actually a normal behavior for a dog. Dogs use grass to help digest their food, or vomit if they ate too much.

Lifted leg: most adult male dogs lift a leg up while peeing. Few people know that there is a reason for them doing so. By peeing on a standing object (like a tree) a dog is placing his scent at nose level, making it easier for other dogs to understand that its his territory.

Dreaming: most dog owners probably noticed their dogs barking, howling, twitching in their sleep. Contrary to what some believe, dogs can dream. The difference from us is that they dream for a shorter period of time, but experience it more intensely.

Chewing on objects: while puppies dogs chew on everything to help them cope with the pain of changing their teeth. This is not something new. What you probably didn’t know is the fact your dog is most likely to chew on your favorite thing. Why is that ? Because your scent is on them and your dog misses you.

Rolling in dirt: I know that most of you hate it when your dog rolls in dirt, feces or strange smelling things in general. This is a strictly instinctive behavior. Even though dogs are now domesticated they once were wild animals and more specifically predators, needing to cover their scent in order not to scare away their prey.

Licking: licking is a natural activity in a pack. Through licking, puppies groom each other and also strengthen their relationship. On the other hand, adult dogs also use licking as a way to communicate: when an adult dog licks another dog’’s face he is actually trying to show submission or affection. So, the next time your dog licks you, don’t punish him. He is probably just trying to show you respect or affection, or maybe he is just trying to tell you that his food bowl is empty.

I hope these tips will help understand your dog better and therefore have a better relationship with him.

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