
Dogs: Carnivors, or are they?

Although there are pros and cons in choosing a specialized dog food, most veterinarians will recommend doing so. Even if feeding your dog with home-made foods is cheaper and your dog preffers your cooking rather than dog food, the many advantages of the latter must be taken into consideration.


Fighting Ticks: A Flea-Free Dog for the Foreseeable Future

For any pet-owner, the initial response to noticing the presence of fleas and ticks in your dog’s coat is usually one of two: in first occurrences, a sharp recoil of disgust is the usual instinctive reaction; for frequent sufferers, a slow, drawn-out groan of “not again” will probably occur. Either way, it’s a problem that won’t disappear on its own.


The Best in Pet Health Foods

In recent years, dog food manufacturing has experienced some incredible developments. As our preferences have changed to seek out nutritional and healthier foods for ourselves, we have also expected better food for our pets, which has resulted in many owners changing and experimenting with pet foods.


Fenna’s Scratching Nearly Ruined Her Beautiful Coat

I live in a built-up area and usually take my cocker spaniel for walks in the local playing field. There are a lot of other dogs there and she has many friends but the problem I found is that she kept on catching fleas and ticks.